HDC FAM is a global community dedicated to standing in to help fill the gaps for our artisan families.

Providing holistic employment is a vital and dignified way to give sustainable support for families to, first and foremost, have the opportunity to stay together. While we are firm believers that business reaches further than aid, we also have come to see that the vulnerable conditions our artisan families find themselves in make it near impossible to rise above the odds. At times, individuals in our HDC community need further strategic support in order to find safety, health, and prosperity for their families. 

What is hdc fam?

Our HDC family reaches far and wide. It is made up of artisans, makers, customers, retailers, and advocates for Haiti across the globe. We want to bring you together to be a part of providing more intentional impact opportunities for our team members that could use a little help on their path forward.

The HDC Fam contributes to our artisan wellness programs, as well as providing micro-business start-up loans, emergency gifts & services, and specialized educational opportunities. 

Our workshop mantra is an old Haitian proverb- “Men anpil, chay pa lou”, “Many hands make the load light”. We know together, especially during these trying times, we can lighten each other’s load. 


  1. Emergency gifts & support
  2. Micro-loans for business start up candidates
  3. Specialized training opportunities
  4. Savings match contributions to our artisan savings account program “Sere Pou Demen”

As a member of HDC Fam, you also get the family perks! You’ll receive…

  • Special, exclusive handmade products from our artisans
  • Personal updates on day-to-day happenings around the workshop, social services, micro-business candidates progress, and special projects we have in the works!
  • HDC Fam Impact Updates

 Your contributions are tax deductible and we thank you for your support!

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